Collecting little Po.

With all the events of the last three weeks, there was some uncertainty regarding puppy collection due to the alert levels. We knew that there would be a slightly longer wait until we could collect Apollo (aka Po), as we needed to wait for Level 3 to be allowed to collect him. My excitement was sky high, when the announcement was made that everywhere south of Auckland would go into level 3 on September 1st. There was most certainly a light at the end of the tunnel and our wait time for Po was drawing to a close. Later that evening, Rhea confirmed that we would be able to collect Po on September 1 st , through contactless collection to abide by Level 3 rules.

As wednesday morning rolls around, we were up and ready to go bright and early. Before we left for Penteronda Border Collies, we did a final check to ensure everything was set up for Po’s arrival later that morning:

✓ Crate set up

✓ Puppy pen was set up

✓ Food and water bowls out

✓ A variety of toys in the pen

✓ Apollo’s food and treats were open but packed away

With our final checks done, we hopped in the ute set off Penteronda Border Collies. The drive flew past quickly, as soon we were pulling into the driveway of Penteronda. We could see Rhea wave to us, before coming out to place a crate next on her deck, and inside was our little Apollo! She left his paperwork and puppy pack on BBQ table for us to collect and headed inside. After giving us the all clear signal, I hoped out and moved over to signed all the paperwork put Po’s puppy pack into out ute. Heading back, I opened up the crate and picked up Apollo for the first time in three weeks.

Wow, he had grown so much in the last couple weeks! I was shocked. With Po bundled in my arms, I hurried back and hopped into the ute, so that I could call Rhea to ensure everything was sorted before we left. After a quick chat, we were given the all clear to take him home! I held Po in my arms on the drive home, and watched Po as he watched the outside world pass by (though from my side mirror, I caught him having a cheeky nap on the drive home).

Personally, even though we knew Po was coming home, that it wasn’t until the drive home with Po in my arms, that it sunk in… He was our little boy and finally on his way home. So now the journey for us begins, the journey of a literal lifetime, to help our boy become a mature, loving and emotional balanced doggo.
