Darran Rowe

Clinical Animal Behaviourist – BSc(Hons), PGCE,  CAB PGDip (continuing to MSc)

I have been working professionally as a Canine Behaviourist and dog trainer for over 25 years in NZ and UK, so I really understand how to make your life with your dog enjoyable and rewarding.

My training utilises only dog friendly and humane, positive techniques, so you can rest assured that I’m not going to hurt your dog, just to make them do things for you. I’m all about teaching dogs to make the right choice for themselves, that way you don’t have to shout and scream at them.

I am a former president of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers in New Zealand and currently studying online for a Masters in Clinical Animal Behaviour at Edingburgh University, Royal (Dicks) Veterinary College..

I live with our 10 dogs at present, 2 Irish Setters, 6 Border Collies of various ages, 5 of which are rescue dogs we have rehomed, as well as our 2 Groodles (Golden Retriever/Poodle).  They are all amazing dogs and have taught me so much about the canine world.

CANZ Accreditation

TVNZ : Terrible effects of Laser Pointer toys

Magic Talk : Canine Bahavioural Slot

Darran Rowe


Darran Rowe - Mindfulness4dogs - Canine Behaviourist - Dog Trainer

I have been working professionally as a Canine behaviourist and dog trainer for over 20 years, so I really understand how to make your life with your dog enjoyable and rewarding.

My training utilises only Force Free and Fear Free, positive techniques, so you can rest assured that I’m not going to hurt your dog, just to make them do things for you. I’m all about teaching dogs to make the right choice for themselves, that way you don’t have to shout and scream at them.

At present I am the President of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers in New Zealand and studying online for a Masters in Clinical Animal Behaviour at Edingburgh University.

I live with our 10 dogs at present, 2 Irish Setters, 6 Border Collies of various ages, 4 of which are rescue dogs and 2 Groodles (Golden Retriever/Poodle).  They are all amazing dogs and have taught me so much about the canine world.




Certification and Membership


CANZ Accreditation
PPG Member Badge 2022

Certification and Membership


CANZ Accreditation
PPG Member Badge 2022