It’s a funny thing isn’t it? Prospective furparents generally have the best of intentions. Most people are aware of the fact that a puppy needs a bed, water and food. Lots of people appreciate that a dog is a social animal and so does need company. Unfortunately still...
Blogs and Articles
Dogs and Children
By Darran ROWE What happens if you children are scared of dogs? So the first thing to remember is that some dogs just love kids and some kids just love dogs. The problems come when we get a combination that doesn't match. Firstly when the children are scared of dogs...
Strike a Pose Puppy Photography
The Mindful Puppy Blog By PAPIA ROWE Strike a Pose. Wow – I know that puppy socialisation is key to ensuring that a puppy grows up as balanced as can be, but I really did not expect to have the opportunity to get our puppies in front of a specialist animal...
Fireworks and Dogs
It’s that crazy time of the year again, and regardless of the warnings given to people there will always be someone who wants their own firework party just across the road from you. Now we can debate the fact that fireworks are a good or bad thing, or whether...
A Mindful approach to dog training
For years now I have called myself a Canine Behaviourist, which implies that when I work with dogs all I change or ‘correct’ is the behaviour of the dog. But in actual fact, given the mindful approach to the work I do, I should really call myself a ‘Dog's Emotional...
The Sunday Cafe Magic Talk
Catch up with our latest Podcast from The Sunday Cafe on Magic Talk with Roman Travers. You can hear us live every other Sunday on Magic Talk at 9:05am. Visit our Media page
Aspen the Husky plea for life
Aspen the Husky : On the AM show, 22/10/20, Alexandra desperately appeals to the better nature of Auckland Dog Control who have issued a destruction notice on Aspen their family Pet Husky, for allegedly killed a neighbours Guinea pig, Bert.
Tillys Private 1-1 Dog Training Session Review
Private 1-1 Sessions: A private 1-1 dog training session really allow you to tackle your more specific training goals. In this case we helped Holly's little Tilly start to get over her fear of wearing her harness. 1 To book an...
Charlies Dog Aggression Review
Dog Aggression Case : Charlie came to me at the beginning of the year after a couple of near misses with other dogs while on the lead. His owners were very concerned that his behaviour would become worse and would eventually get him and them in trouble. ...
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