Blogs and Articles

There’s another puppy coming home!

Confirmation has been given that there will be a new puppy on the block very soon, joining the Mindfulness4Dogs team! On the 7th August 2021, Myself and Daniel confirmed the new addition to our family, and the Mindfulness4dogs team. A handsome little red and white...

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Why do some dogs hate you and others don’t?

why do some dogs hate you and others don't? Are you a jogger, have you ever wondered why some dogs bark at you when you run past and others just ignore you? That's just what Flynny from MoreFM asked me on their drive time show.

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Raise the Woof

By Darran ROWE Raise the Woof! Claims to be the first-ever Christmas single designed exclusively for canines has been released in the UK charts. The awesome song was created based on scientific research into the ways dogs interact with...

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