Have you ever wondered about those mysterious puppy fear haseand how they affect your four-legged friend's journey? Well, you're in for a treat because today, we're taking a mindful plunge into this fascinating topic. Fear Phase: A Puppy's Rite of Passage Puppy fear...
Blogs and Articles
Do you have a Mindful Dog Walk
Dog walks are more than just physical exercise. They offer an opportunity for us to deepen our bond with our furry companions, foster their emotional well-being, and explore the world together. By incorporating mindfulness into our dog walks, we can enhance these...
Remember, Remember the 5th of November?
Why are some dogs scared of fireworks and some dogs not? If their exposure to fireworks when they were puppies was a positive one they are less likely to react badly when they get older. Fireworks are unpredictable - Guy Fawkes night is just another night for your...
What’s your dogs Carbon Pawprint?
Photo by Kabo on UnsplashDogs have always been raised on a meat rich diet, but does that need to change due to the large Carbon footprint that this creates? The pet food industry in the US is worth over $42 billions a year and is expected to grow to $44billion by the...
Picking up our Puppy
Collecting little Po. With all the events of the last three weeks, there was some uncertainty regarding puppy collection due to the alert levels. We knew that there would be a slightly longer wait until we could collect Apollo (aka Po), as we needed to wait for Level...
Why Free Shaping Tricks is Important
When you think of dog training most people will think about teaching your dog to sit, down or walk correctly on a lead, but this is necessity training. There is a whole new world out there if you want to embrace it. Trick training allows your dog to show off and you...
Preparing everyone else for a puppy
Getting a puppy is a very exciting, from when you choose your puppy to collection day! However, in the excitement we tend to overlook the implications our new addition will have on the home environment. Sometimes when we consider getting a second dog, we can forget to...
Don’t do the HAND SNIFFY
In the Auckland region, the number of dogs in 2019-2020 registration year has gone up from 110,969 in the previous year to 112,530 in 2020 – an increase of 1,561 dogs. This was reflected in most other regions in New Zealand. Did you know last year (2020) in New...
New Puppy Preparations
Things must be getting busy at Penteronda Border Collies, with both litters getting big now. Where has the time gone? it feels like only yesterday, they were just little babies huddled close to mum, opposed to these big balls of fluff roaming around and causing...
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