Sundman, A., Van Poucke, E., Svensson Holm, A. et al. Long-term stress levels are synchronized in dogs and their owners. Sci Rep 9, 7391 (2019). Abstract This study reveals, for the first time, an...
Blogs and Articles
Puppies and your Garden
Well, our puppies have been with us over a week and boy have they changed in even this short a timeframe. I remember clearly how slow they were on their first few days. Taking them to the toilet was no stress because they could hardly work their paws properly enough...
Poo Poo and Pee Pee Time!
Puppies – Toilet training – otherwise known by puppies and their furparents as “poopoo and peepee time” Ah – the joys of toilet training… From the moment we picked up our puppies from our breeder, the uppermost thoughts on our mind have been: Have they just eaten?...
Meeting the Family
The Mindful Puppy Blog By PAPIA ROWE Your browser does not support the audio element. Puppies – welcome home. Exciting times continue. We’ve got our lovely puppies safely back home, and they are getting used to playing with each other in their puppy bedroom. We...
Picking up the Puppies
The Mindful Puppy Blog By PAPIA ROWE Your browser does not support the audio element. Picking up the puppies Wow – after so many weeks so being in lockdown, we were so grateful, not only for the health of New Zealand, but also for the chance to pick up our puppies at...
Puppy Bedroom Zone
The Mindful Puppy Blog By PAPIA ROWE Prepping for your puppy Getting ready for the arrival of my puppy also involves another big step. Having a relatively easy life with a young puppy is all about the right preparation. If you were having a human baby, you’d probably...
Is Play Important?
Is Play Important? If behavioural issues are caused by stress and playtime can lower stress, why aren;' we playing with our dogs all the time? By Darran Rowe Academic studies show how important play is to the development of your dog. So we all know that dogs love to...
Naming your Puppies
The Mindful Puppy Blog By PAPIA ROWE Naming a puppy Wow - this can be such a controversial topic can't it? In homes with children, parents often try to include the children by having them pick the name of the puppy. This is seen as the first step in the child taking...
Making a Puppy Mat
The Mindful Puppy Blog By PAPIA ROWE Making a Puppy Mat In the past, I’ve spent hours in pet stores and online searching for the best puppy beds and the cutest most fantastic collars and leads and toys. These efforts have been part of the therapy to contain and...
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